This was first published on (2014-11-17)
Republishing here for new followers. The content is related to the the versions available at the publication date

Oracle locks: Identifiying blocking sessions

When you have sessions blocked on locks, you probably have all information about the waiters (they call you and anyway their waiting session is visible in v$session our ASH). But you usually need to get enough information that help to identify the blocker.

Here is a query I use to get that quickly, based on V$WAIT_CHAINS

Here is the result I want to get:

session                 wait event                                      minutes USER PRO
----------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ------- ---- ---
 ABCLBP1 '831,54109@1'  SQL*Net message from client                        13.5 SYS  sql
  ABCLBP4 '395,21891@4' enq: TX - row lock contention on TABLE             13.2 SYS  SQL
                          "SYS"."TEST_FRANCK" on rowid AAC0aCAAnAAABSCAAA

I have information about blocking session, waiting session, the type of lock (here TX – row lock) and because it is a row lock I want to know the ROWID of the locked row.

Here is the query I used to get it:

column "wait event" format a50 word_wrap
column "session" format a25
column "minutes" format 9999D9
column CHAIN_ID noprint
column N noprint
column l noprint
with w as (
 chain_id,rownum n,level l
 ,lpad(' ',level,' ')||(select instance_name from gv$instance where inst_id=w.instance)||' '''||w.sid||','||w.sess_serial#||'@'||w.instance||'''' "session"
 ,lpad(' ',level,' ')||w.wait_event_text ||
   when w.wait_event_text like 'enq: TM%' then
    ' mode '||decode(w.p1 ,1414332418,'Row-S' ,1414332419,'Row-X' ,1414332420,'Share' ,1414332421,'Share RX' ,1414332422,'eXclusive')
     ||( select ' on '||object_type||' "'||owner||'"."'||object_name||'" ' from all_objects where object_id=w.p2 )
   when w.wait_event_text like 'enq: TX%' then
     select ' on '||object_type||' "'||owner||'"."'||object_name||'" on rowid '
     from all_objects ,dba_data_files where object_id=w.row_wait_obj# and w.row_wait_file#=file_id
   end "wait event"
 , w.in_wait_secs/60 "minutes"
 , s.username , s.program
 from v$wait_chains w join gv$session s on (s.sid=w.sid and s.serial#=w.sess_serial# and s.inst_id=w.instance)
 connect by prior w.sid=w.blocker_sid and prior w.sess_serial#=w.blocker_sess_serial# and prior w.instance = w.blocker_instance
 start with w.blocker_sid is null
select * from w where chain_id in (select chain_id from w group by chain_id having max("minutes") >= 1 and max(l)>1 )
order by n

This query retrieves the wait chains where a session is waiting for more than one minute on a table lock (TM) or row lock (TX) .

When it is a table lock (TM), I get the locked object_id from the P2 parameter, in order to know the table name.

When it is a row lock, I get the table and rowid from V$SESSION. Note that I have to join with dba_data_files in order to convert the absolute file_id to a relative one, and to join to dba_objects in order to convert the object_id to the data_object_id one – in order to built the ROWID.

More information about ROWID, relative file number and data object id in my previous post: From 8.0 extended rowid to 12c pluggable db: Why Oracle Database is still a great software