This was first published on (2016-06-21)
Republishing here for new followers. The content is related to the the versions available at the publication date

ODA X6-2S and ODA X6-2M for EE and SE2

After the announcement of the death of SE1 and SE we wondered what Oracle will do for Small and Medium Enterprises and entry level products. The answer was postgres the Oracle Cloud Services, but that’s for dev/test only because Public Cloud is not for production and SME will not build a Private Cloud for their few Oracle databases.

Find out how the @Oracle #Database Appliance can simplify your DB administration: #OracleODA

— Oracle Hardware (@oraclehardware) June 16, 2016

The answer was announced to partners a few week ago and is now official: the 5th generation of ODA, the X6, has now an entry level version for Standard Edition 2.

ODA, until today, was only for Enterprise Edition. You could install Standard Edition on a Guest VM (described here) but with poor I/O performance and no advantages of ODA.

The smallest ODA was a 2 nodes cluster. The hardware is not expensive for what it is, but it is still expensive when you want only one small server. Lot of our customers asked for a small ODA with Standard Edition. Even big customers with only a small database. They consolidate everything on VMWare, but for licencing reason need to isolate Oracle on physical machine. Two ODAs (as they want a DR site) is too large for their needs.

Good news, there are now smaller, one node, ODAs that can run Standard Edition and fully automated, even more automated than the previous ODAs. New products but same values:

The new products are:

What is new in the #OracleODA:

— Oracle Hardware (@oraclehardware) June 21, 2016

ODA X6-2S: the entry level for SE2

‘Only one single database’ but this is not a limit, just a recommandation related to the capacity. Not yet possible as virtualized: only bare-metal 1 socket with 10 cores Xeon, 126GB RAM, up to 384 GB, 10Gbase-T for public network and/or 10 GbE SFP+ Public Network All Flash Storage. 6.4 TB NVMe Flash Storage, up to 12.3 -> usable for database is 2.4 TB up to 4.8 Cost: 18000$ which is the same as a Dell equivalent server (Oracle says it’s 2x cheaper but we may not have the same price list)

ODA X6-2M: similar but ‘multiple databases’

More resource: (2x sockets, 2x memory) Same storage as X6-2S but NFS is also supported for additional storage cost: 24000$

Both can be used for Standard Edition 2 (licensed in socket or NUP) or Enterprise Edition (Licences with Capacity On Demand activated cores or NUP)


This is the X5-2 we already know with 2 servers (X6 is planned for end of year) 2 nodes there, for RAC, RON, or single instance consolidation. It can be Bare Metal or Virtualized

Just my guess, but there are good chances that only Multitenant is supported for them in 12.2 – single-tenant when in SE2 of course – so that it is easy to move database to and from the public cloud services. Actually, the goal is:

Oracle’s new #database appliances provide a bridge between on-premise systems and the #cloud #OracleODA

— Oracle Hardware (@oraclehardware) June 21, 2016

You run dev and test on Oracle Public Cloud and your production on-premises. That’s a full Oracle solution where you can move your (pluggable) databases between the two platforms.

The ODA automation has evolved. It was easy configuration and patching. It is now also easy provisioning with the same interface that cou can found in Enterprise Manager or the Cloud. The Appliance Manager is accessible though web console or command line and helps to automate deployment, management, support and monitoring of the ODA.