This was first published on (2015-10-29)
Republishing here for new followers. The content is related to the the versions available at the publication date

OOW15 – Day 5 – Blogger Meetup

You are reading and learning from blogs about oracle technology? I would like to encourage everybody to be a blogger as well. As every year, Pythian and OTN have organized the blogger meetup. This is in my opinion the best networking event at Oracle Open World. All the guru you read from are there, and you can be there if you have a blog, no matter you are blogging a lot or not. Look at the blogger meetup page to get an idea about who is coming: Once again, you don’t need certifications, you don’t need be part of a private club. You just need to be a blogger. You don’t even need to have your own blog. When you don’t blog too often, it may be better to share a blog. As an example, some blogger are posting occasionally on


Don’t think you have nothing to say, or that everything has already been said. You can put things with your own approach, you own style, your language, etc. Just as an example, I started blogging by translating into French some posts from Jonathan Lewis, with his permission. That was a good way to start: publishing things that I can’t say better than him, but making them available to some non-English people. Then came my own ideas, my own style. Don’t be afraid, don’t be shy, the only risk is that it becomes addictive… And you can be part of the worldwide blogger community. And remember that people in that community are not there to judge you. By definition, a blogger likes to share, learn, to be open, and meet new people.
