This was first published on (2016-05-17)
Republishing here for new followers. The content is related to the the versions available at the publication date

Multitenant dictionary: what is stored only in CDB$ROOT?

Multitenant architecture is about dictionary separation. The idea is that all system metadata is stored only in CDB$ROOT so that space and upgrade time are optimized. Is it entirely true? let’s count the rows in the dictionary tables. In order to verify that, I’ve build a query that will count the rows from the dictionary tables, in CDB$ROOT and in PDB$SEED. The idea is to query DBA_OBJECTS for ORACLE_MAINTAINED=Y objects and call a function that run an ‘execute immediate’ to do a ‘select count(*)’. Inline functions in 12c are great for that. Especially when I want to switch to another container for it. Note that I’m not 100% sure that it’s supported to switch to another container there but al least don’t forget to switch back to initial one. As I’m using some inline function, I’ve added one ‘hextoasc’ that helps me to lookup into the dictionary cache for the presence of object (not related to this post) and I also check which table is in the bootstrap procedure (which hard codes some dictionary metadata into row cache before they are available through buffer cache).

So here is the query:

with function countrows(con_name varchar2,name varchar2) return number as
 n number;
 saved_con_name varchar2(128);
 execute immediate 'alter session set container='||con_name;
 execute immediate 'select count(*) from "'||name||'"' into n;
 execute immediate 'alter session set container='||saved_con_name;
 return n;
exception when others then
 execute immediate 'alter session set container='||saved_con_name;
 return null;
function hex2asc(s varchar2) return varchar2 as r varchar2(32000);
 for i in 1..length(s)/2
   exit when substr(s,2*i-1,2)='00';
  end loop;
  return r;
select v.*
,(select count(*) from v$rowcache_parent where key like '00%' and hex2asc(substr(key,13)||'00') like object_name||'%' and existent='Y' and con_id=1) rowcache_entries
,(select substr(sql_text,1,30) from bootstrap$ where sql_text like '%TABLE '||object_name||'(%') bootstrap
from (
select object_name,countrows('PDB$SEED',object_name) SEED_COUNT,countrows('CDB$ROOT',object_name) ROOT_COUNT
from user_objects where object_type='TABLE' and oracle_maintained='Y' and object_name like '%$'
) v
where root_count>0 order by seed_count desc, root_count desc;

And the first rows of the result where sorting those that have lot of lines in PDB$SEED first:

------------------------------ ---------- ---------- --------------------------------------- ------------------------------
DEPENDENCY$                        162253     162180                                       2
COL$                               111623     111663                                       2 CREATE TABLE COL$("OBJ#" NUMBE
OBJ$                                91511      91721                                       2 CREATE TABLE OBJ$("OBJ#" NUMBE
OBJAUTH$                            45085      45084                                       2
HIST_HEAD$                          30585      50516                                       2
ACCESS$                             27351     109485                                       2
KOTAD$                              25927      27456                                       2
JAVASNM$                            25073      25073                                       2
HISTGRM$                            22653      72890                                       2
SETTINGS$                           19872      52936                                       2
SOURCE$                             17608     327589                                       2
ATTRIBUTE$                          13975      13975                                       2
PARAMETER$                          11785      11785                                       2
CCOL$                               11362      11400                                       2 CREATE TABLE CCOL$("CON#" NUMB
CON$                                 9648       9686                                       2 CREATE TABLE CON$("OWNER#" NUM
CDEF$                                9493       9685                                       2 CREATE TABLE CDEF$("CON#" NUMB
METASCRIPTFILTER$                    7365       7365                                       2
IDL_SB4$                             7288      17787                                       2
ICOL$                                6432       6432                                       2 CREATE TABLE ICOL$("OBJ#" NUMB
IDL_UB1$                             6290      53505                                       2
IDL_UB2$                             5931      13029                                       2
OID$                                 5119       6574                                       2
IND$                                 4264       4264                                       2 CREATE TABLE IND$("OBJ#" NUMBE

You see immediately that the largest metadata, which is the source of the stored procedures, in SOURCE$, is mostly stored only in CDB$ROOT. For space efficiency this is good.

However you can see that COL$ and TAB$ have same number of rows in CDB$ROOT and in PDB, which is not exactly what is described in the oracle documentation.

And tables such as DEPENDENCY$, managing dependency among objects, is still huge in the PDB. Dependencies are managed at that level.

This explain why it still takes time to upgrade or patch a PDB when the CDB has been upgraded or patched. There is not only the metadata/data links to verify. There is still some DDL to run to maintain the pluggable database dictionary.

This is not exactly what is documented in Fewer database patches and upgrades It is easier to apply a patch to one database than to 100 databases, and to upgrade one database than to upgrade 100 databases.

But we can expect that this will be improved in further releases.