This was first published on (2016-03-08)
Republishing here for new followers. The content is related to the the versions available at the publication date

Easy transport of SQL Tuning Sets with OEM

When you want to transport a SQL Tuning Set between production and test for example, you have to pack it into a table, then export the table, import it into the target database, and unpack the STS. This is a case where Enterprise Manager can help to do it quickly.

First I create a SQL Tuning Set


Not showing all details here. Just loading the Top-5 queries from library cache:


Here is my STS that I maned ‘TEST’ and I can export it to a DataPump dump file:


I can choose or create a directory from there and there’s a default name for the dump file with the name of my STS within:


For the example I use the same database. I have to drop the old one because I cannot rename the STS while importing. In Enterprise Manager the buttons on the left are related with the object that is selected, but the import is on the right, like the ‘create’ one as it creates a new STS. You cannot import to an existing STS.


Now enter the impdp parameters:


and run the job:


Then here is the STS imported:


Note that there is also a ‘copy to database’ button that run all that. However, because it includes file transfer, you have to provide host credentials.

For this example, I’ve used the EM13c VirtualBox and have added the emrepus target. I didn’t find the SQL Tuning Set Menu at the place I expected it. Thanks to Twitter friend Hatem Mahmoud I know why:

@FranckPachot I faced this case when i add new target,The first time i access the menu is missing entry but after that every thing is ok

— Hatem Mahmoud (@Hatem__Mahmoud) March 8, 2016

Don’t forget you need Tuning Pack for SQL Tuning Sets.