This was first published on (2017-11-25)
Republishing here for new followers. The content is related to the the versions available at the publication date


CaptureGPTW The discussions about the technologies we love. With Bryn about my tests on the MLE and the fact that I compared very different things, running a recursive function on different datatype (integer vs. number). With Mike about the way RUs will be recommended and RURs only for very special cases. With Nigel about the ODC Database Ideas, with Stefan about what is documented or not, with… Discussions about community also, and user groups.

The trip, where meeting fellow speakers start in the plane,…

The dinners with ACEs, with Speakers, with friends…

The beers, thanks to the Pieter & Philippe for sharing Belgian beers & cheese & mustard & celery salt & your good mood

The sessions of course. Kamil’s tool to show tablespace fragmentation visually, Jan’s comparison between Oracle and EDB, Philippe & Pieter technical view on GDPR, Adam’s research on NFS for his appliance,…

The party for sure,…

DSC00332My session, and the very interesting questions I got… I was lucky to speak on the first day. And proud to speak on the Oak Table stream for the first time. I was happy to see many people already with a CDB and even in production. It is a slow adoption but people come to it and finally notice that it is not a big change for daily job.

IMG_4712And colleagues of course. This is the conference where dbi services has a booth and several speakers. We are passionate and like to share. At the booth, we did some demos of Dbvisit Standby 8, Orachrome Lighty, and also the OpenDB Appliance. We meet customers, or candidatees, talk about the technologies we love, explain how we do our training workshops. It is also a great place to discuss among us. Even if we have internal projects, and two ‘dbi xChange’ events every year, we are mainly at customers and have so much to share.

DOAG is an amazing conference. Intense time compressed into 3 days. This incredibly friendly ambiance is hard to quit at the end of the conference. Fortunately, persistence and durability are guaranteed thanks to Kamil’s snapshots:

Some of the speakers at #DOAG2017 party – @MDWidlake @BrynLite @ChandlerDBA @FranckPachot @RoelH @pioro @boliniak @chrisrsaxon @phurley @kmensah @lleturgez @DBAKevlar @oraesque @MikeDietrichDE @OracleSK – it was fun :)

— Kamil Stawiarski (@ora600pl) November 23, 2017

#DOAG2017 speakers dinner was awesome!

— Kamil Stawiarski (@ora600pl) November 22, 2017

When you see how Kamil highlights each personality with a simple camera, can you imagine what he can do when organizing a conference? Keep an eye on POUG website.